Prof. Dr. Didier Gastmans
Geologist at UNESP Rio Claro - 1987.
PhD in Geosciences and Environment UNESP Rio Claro - 2007.
Researcher IV at the Center for Environmental Studies (CEA) at UNESP Rio Claro - Since 2011.
Scientific interests:
Application of isotopic and chemical tracers to understand water movement;
Surface and groundwater interaction;
Aquifer recharge;
Groundwater residence times;
Stable isotopes and precipitation.
Research group
Created in 2017, the group is composed by Geology, Geography, Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering undergraduate and graduate students advised by of Prof. Dr. Didier Gastmans at the Center for Environmental Studies (CEA).

Prof. Dr. Didier Gastmas

Agronomic engineer (USP, São Paulo). Master in "Environmental Sciences" (Washington State University, 2004). PhD from the School of Agriculture (Luiz de Queiroz, 2014). Currently, postdoctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Environment - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Impact of Climate Variations on water flows in a recharge area of the Bauru Aquifer.

Geologist (USP, São Paulo). Master and PhD student in Geosciences and Environment Environment - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Currently, PhD student in geosciences at CPRM in the area of Hydrogeology. Project - Climate Controls on Groundwater Recharge in the Bauru Aquifer System Revealed by Stable Isotopes (δH and δO)

Geologist (UERJ, Rio de Janeiro). He holds a master's degree in Hydrogeology (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro). Currently a doctoral student in the Geosciences and Exact Sciences Program - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Interaction of groundwater / surface water: a paradigm in the management of water resources - Bauru Aquifer in the Mineiro Triangle.

Geographer (UNESP, Ourinhos). Master in Agronomy from the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences (UNESP, Botucatu). Currently, doctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Environment (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Environmental Isotopes (δ2H and δ18O): Unraveling the Origins of Surface Water in Hydrographic Basins in the State of São Paulo.

Geologist (IG-UFRGS, 1987-1992), Postgraduate in hydrogeology and applied geology at the Karl Eberhadt Universitat Tuebingen University (1994-1995) and in water resources and sanitation (IPH-UFRGS, 1996-1998). Currently, PhD student in hydrogeology (modeling, hydrochemistry and isotopy) at UNESP in Rio Claro. Hydrogeologist of the National Geological Service (CPRM) and research associate at LARHIA.

Geographer (UNESP, Rio Claro). Master in Geosciences and Environment (UNESP, Rio Claro). Currently a doctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Environment - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Variability of the Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in Rain Intra-events using a Micro Radar.

Geologist (UFFRJ, Rio de Janeiro). Currently a master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Environment - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - River-Aquifer Interaction and Nitrogen Flows in the Outcrop Area of the Guarani Aquifer System in the State of São Paulo.

Environmental Engineer (UNESP, Rio Claro). Currently, master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Environment - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Variations in Isotopic Ratios 87Sr / 86Sr In Groundwater in the Northern Portion of the Guarani Aquifer System.

Geologist (UNICAMP). Currently a master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Environment - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Hydrogeological Prospecting as a Tool for the Feasibility of Projects for Mineral Waters in the Paraná Basin.

Geologist (UNESP, Rio Claro). Currently, master's student of the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Environment - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Space-Time Variations in Isotopic Ratios (δ2H and δ18O) of Groundwater in the Paraná 3 Basin, West Paraná.

Civil Engineer with specialization in Georeferencing of Rural Properties. Currently a master's student in the Postgraduate Program in Geosciences and Exact Sciences - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (UNESP, Rio Claro). Project - Water Movement and Urbanization Processes: Contribution of Stable δH and δO Isotopes.

Graduating from the Geography course (UNESP, Rio Claro) - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (IGCE). Currently, undergraduate student. Project - Isotopic characterization of δ2H and δ18O from precipitation and surface water in the Lopeí Basin - Paraná 3 Basin, West Paraná.

Graduating from the Geography course (UNESP, Rio Claro) - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (IGCE). Currently, undergraduate student. Project - Use of Orbital Sensors to Estimate the Space-Time Variation of Water Surpluses and Recharge of the Bauru Aquifer System in the Aguapeí-Peixe River Basin (UGRHIs 20 and 21) - State of São Paulo.

Graduating in Geology (UNESP, Rio Claro). Currently, undergraduate student. Project - Characterization of the hydraulic conductivity of the soil in the recharge area of the Guarani Aquifer System using the Hazen method and voltage infiltrometer.

Graduating from the Geology course (UNESP, Rio Claro) - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (IGCE). Currently, undergraduate student. Project - Use of Orbital Sensors to Estimate the Space-Time Variation of Water Surpluses and Recharge of the Bauru Aquifer System in the UGRHIs 15 and 18) - State of São Paulo.

Graduating from the Geography course (UNESP, Rio Claro) - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (IGCE). Currently, undergraduate student. Project - Climate Controls on the Temporal Variation of the Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in the Central Region of the State of São Paulo.

Graduate student of Geology (UNESP, Rio Claro) - Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences (IGCE). Currently, undergraduate student. Project - Potential for CO2 Geological Sequestration in Groundwater of the Serra Geral Aquifer System in the State of São Paulo.
Dourado, TA; Gemeiner, H .; Gomes, ACF; Almeida, E .; Silva, AC; Valadão, N .; Menegário, AA; Govone, JS; Gastmans, D. (2020) Elemental Composition of Particulate Matter in the Southeastern Brazilian Ceramic Pole by Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Fluorescence Technique (SR-XRF). J. Braz. Chem. Soc., Vol. 31, No. 6, 1203-1215. DOI .
Cherry, M .; Gilmore, T .; Mittelstet, A .; Gastmans, D .; Santos, V .; Gates, JB (2020) Recharge seasonality based on stable isotopes: Nongrowing season bias altered by irrigation in Nebraska. Hydrological Processes, 34 (7): 1575-1586. DOI .
Ezaki, S .; Gastmans, D .; Iritani, MA; Santos, V .; Stradioto, MR (2020) Geochemical Evolution, Residence Times and Recharge Conditions of the Multilayered Tubarão Aquifer System (State of São Paulo - Brazil) as Indicated by Hydrochemical, Stable Isotope and 14C Data. Accepted for publication in Isotopes in Environmental & Health Studies. DOI.
Santos et al. Isotopic composition of precipitation during strong El Niño–Southern Oscillation events in the Southeast Region of Brazil. DOI.
Santos et al. Variabilidade da Composição Isotópica da Precipitação na Região Central do Estado de São Paulo. DOI.
Rocha, R.E.; Gastmans, D.; Sacchi, M.D.; Oliveira, M.D. (2019) Variações espaciais na condutividade hidráulica do solo em área de recarga do Sistema Aquífero Guarani. Revista do Instituto Geológico, v.40(2). DOI.
Munksgaard, N.C., Kurita, N., Sánchez-Murillo, R. et al. Data Descriptor: Daily observations of stable isotope ratios of rainfall in the tropics. Sci Rep 9, 14419 (2019). DOI.
Yabuki, L.N.M.; Menegário, A.A.; Gemeiner, H.; Rolisola, A.M.C.M.; Gastmans, D.; Willinas, P.N. (2019) Residual biomass of coffee as a binding agent in diffusive gradients in thin-films technique for Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn measurement in waters. Talanta, 205. DOI.
Kirchheim, R.E.; Gastmans, D.; Chang, H.H.; Gilmore, T.E. (2019) The use of isotopes in evolving groundwater circulation models of regional continental aquifers: The case of the Guarani Aquifer System. Hydrological Processes, 33(17). DOI.
Batista et al. Groundwater and Surface Water Connectivity within the Recharge Area of Guarani Aquifer System during El Niño 2014-2016. DOI.
Quaggio et al. Variações na Composição das Águas Subterrâneas do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral em Território Brasileiro e sua Relação com Anomalias Hidrogeoquímicas. DOI.
Gastmans et al. Hypothesis of Groundwater Flow through Geological Structures in Guarani Aquifer System (GAS) using Chemical and Isotopic Data. DOI.
Gemeiner et al. Elemental and Isotopic Determination of Lead (Pb) in Particulate Matter in the Brazilian City of Goiânia (GO) Using ICP-MS Technique. DOI.
Gastmans et al. Controls Over Spatial and Seasonal Variations on Isotopic Composition of the Precipitation along the Central and Eastern Portion of Brazil. DOI.
Castellano et al. Quantificação das Emissões de CO2 pelo Solo em Áreas sob Diferentes Estádios de Restauração no Domínio da Mata Atlântica. DOI.
Gastmans & Menegario & Hutcheon. Stable Isotopes, Carbon-14, and Hydrochemical Composition from a Basaltic Aquifer in São Paulo State, Brazil. DOI.
Santos & Gastmans. Composição Química da Água da Chuva em Rio Claro (SP). DOI.
Gastmans et al. Geochemical Evolution of Groundwater in a Basaltic Aquifer Based on Chemical and Stable Isotopic Data: Case Study from the Northeastern Portion of Serra Geral Aquifer, São Paulo state (Brazil). DOI.
Scalvi & Gastmans. Caracterização Hidrofaciológica e Monitoramento dos Níveis D´água no Sistema Aquífero Guarani na Cidade de Araraquara (SP). DOI.
Suarez et al. In Situ Redox Speciation Analysis of Chromium in Water by Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Using a DE81 Anion Exchange Membrane. DOI.
De Moura et al. Concentrações de nitrato nas águas subterrâneas em áreas rurais do município de São José do Rio Preto (SP). DOI.
Batista & Gastmans. Hidrogeoquímica e Qualidade das Águas Superficiais na Bacia do Alto Jacaré Pepira (SP). Link.
Aggarwal et al. Continental Degassing of 4He by Surficial Discharge of Deep Groundwater. Link.
Montanheiro & Chang & Gastmans. Estudo Hidroquímico do Sistema Aquífero Tubarão (SAT) no Município de Americana, SP. DOI.
Rolisola et al. Speciation Analysis of Inorganic Arsenic in River Water by Amberlite IRA 910 Resin Immobilized in a Polyacrylamide Gel as a Selective Binding Agent for As(V) in Diffusive Gradient Thin Film Technique. DOI.